Kizzikibi Forest

This is a 560-hectare forest, about 500 years old, and dominated by Bosquieia phoberos, Celtis durandii, and Pseudospondias macrocarpa tree species. 54 different tree species were found in the area sampled, with mean dbh and tree heights of 26.3 cm and 12.9 meters, respectively. Tree density is about 122 trees per hectare. Regeneration within the forest is good, with upto five of the ten dominant tree species represented among the ten most dominant saplings. All other trees are also well represented among the sapling population.

Approximately 268 people live less than five kilometers from the forest boundary. The forest vegetation density is low and species diversity is low. It has a very low commercial value and an above normal subsistence value. Tree densities are further decreasing due to pitsawing activities.

The greatest challenge to forest conservation is the illegal harvesting of under-sized trees, which is likely to reduce the forests’ ability to meet future timber requirements. Although there is no charcoal burning or commercial fuelwood harvesting currently, it is envisioned that these activities are likely to increase in future as forests closer to Kampala city get depleted and charcoal demands increase.