Kaniyo Pabidi Forest

The Kaniyo Pabidi ecotourism site; this is located in the North Eastern part of Budongo Forest reserve. It’s a natural habitat that has 120 chimps.  There are 30 chimpanzees that have been habituated for Eco tourism purposes. The other primate species also include; vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, red tailed monkeys as well as Baboons. In Kaniyo pabidi, some savannah grassland species can be viewed include; warthogs, lions, buffalos, bush baucks, duikers and many more.

There are many birds to be seen including; the chocolate backed kingfisher and the pruvels eladosis. This area is home to variety of tree species like the Mahogany as well as Celtic family. The other species found here include; butterflies, moths, tropical flowers and many more. There is chimpanzee trekking, camping, chimpanzee habituation as well as bird watching. The site is located 220km from Kampala through Masindi that is 29km away. The site is alongthe secondary road that connects Masindi with Paraa. There are two local organisations that are involved in Eco tourism near Kaniyo and these include; Boomu Conservation and Crafts Women Association and the Asera Azora Women’s group. These provide; cooking walks, community walks, the simple traditional accommodation hand crafted and camping.